We left Rocky Harbor in the Gros Morne NP early Friday morning with our car only and traveled north along the east edge of Newfoundland. We stopped at Port aux Choix and toured the Marine Archaic site. In the 1967 a gentleman was digging a hole for a movie theater. He unearthed a skeleton and called the archeologists. They dug up 115 skeletons that were buried 3500 to 4400 years ago. They were buried with all their artifacts. It was very interesting. Their tools were more advanced than later Indians. We traveled on up to Saint Anthony (which was 210 miles from our motorhome) where we spent the night in a hotel. The next morning we toured L'Anse aux Meadow. This Viking site was discovered in the 1960. Building sites along with many artifacts were discovered. This is where Leif Erickson landed and built the site in 1000AD. This is the earliest and only verified Viking site in North America. They were able to learn much about the site and the buildings they built. They were built of peat moss with 6 foot thick walls. They would have been very warm. They had iron tools and weapons. They also built a foundry to build iron nails for their ships. We drove on back to our motorhome in Rocky Harbor.
Typical Fishing home and dock. |
A Lighthouse a long the east Newfoundland coast. |
Caribou along the Newfoundland coast. |
Normal tundra of the interior. |
Looking down on the Viking site. It was close to the bay so they could pull their boats up on land and repair them. |
A replica of the Great House that housed most of the men. |
The interior of the Great House. The women that were along for voyage were sewing. |
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