Saturday, October 6, 2012

RussLeona Trip 10/6/12 Vermont

We had a wonderful time at the Zecher's.  We wined, dined, played cards and did lots of touring.  The only problem was, we had a couple days of foggy, hazy rain so our photos weren't too terrific but the sightseeing was awesome.  It was so beautiful, we hit the leaves perfect.  However, they didn't last long as the rain and wind dropped many of them quickly.  It is a beautiful area with beautiful trees and neat old houses.  Stan and Janie drove us all over the area.  We toured their son, Doug's, Sugar House where he processes Maple Syrup from over 4500 trees.  He did a great job explaining the processing to us. It was very interesting.   It is obviously a great deal of work.  We thanked Stan and Janie for being such great hosts and said good bye until we get together again in Arizona. We drove to Clarksboro, NJ just out of Philadelphia. 

A scenic Vermont farm.

Trees were beautiful but after the rain, many leaves had dropped.

A beautiful church in Manchester.

A gorgeous view but the haze challenges the photo.

Doug Zecher's Sugar House where he processed Maple Syrup.

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