Sunday, October 21, 2012

RussLeona Trip 10-21-12 Arlington

We learned a little about the big city today.  We left early, thinking it was Sunday and it would be quiet at the Arlington National Cemetery.  Wrong, there was an Army run with ~30,000 runners.  The roads were blocked and there were cars and people everywhere.  We could see the cemetery but we couldn't get there.  We drove out to the Pentagon Mall and took the train to the cemetery.  The Cemetery is huge, there are so many grave stones, it is very impressive.  It is very pretty with the leaves changing.  We walked up to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier which is awesome.  We were able to watch the changing of the guard.  It was so quiet and very sobering.  I got a movie but it is too long to send.  We saw President John F. Kennedy's grave site with the Eternal Flame.  We remember that day so clearly.

Another great day.

The Cemetery is very pretty but so many graves.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from below.
The Guard.  He is so precise.  It is such a view, looking down on the Capital.
Another photo of the Tomb from below.

President John F. Kennedy's grave.  Jacqueline is beside him.

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