Tuesday, October 23, 2012

RussLeona Trip 10/23/12 Museum of Natural History

We had a tour of the White House at 7:30 am, which meant we had to get up at 5 am to ride the train into town.  The tour was very interesting and the White House is beautiful.  Leona, especially liked the gardens.  Oh, we got to see the 1st dog "Bo".  A guy was taking him back from a walk.  We couldn't take photos.  We went to the Museum of Natural History.  A person could spend a week in this one museum.  We saw the Hope Diamond, large gold nuggets, dinosaurs, every stuffed animal, one could imagine, along with so many other interesting things.  We stopped at the National Archives so we could look at the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.  It was so neat to look at the actual documents and the signatures of our fore fathers. The trees continue to color so I included a photo of our motorhome in our campground.

Early morning photo of the White House.

Not a very good photo but the Hope Diamond.

Amazingly big gold nuggets.

So many stuffed animals, many were with their young.

The trees are so beautiful.

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