Monday, October 1, 2012

RussLeona Trip 10/1/12 Liberty Harbor

We spent the day resting and cleaning.  Both were needed.  We took a walk this evening along the harbor that is adjacent to our campground.  It was a pretty walk.  The long range photo of the Statue of Liberty isn't too good (we didn't have our tripod) but it is from by our campground.  It was the first time we took the time to walk along the harbor. The moon was coming up behind some of the buildings in the background, you can see the motorhomes in the campground.  Some of the boats were amazing.  The one must have been well over 100 ft. long.
Tomorrow we are on to our friends, Stan and Janie's, house in Vermont. 

Long range photo from our campground.

Moon coming up over the buildings.

A boat in the harbor by our campground.

Another boat harbored.

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