Sunday, September 30, 2012

RussLeona Trip 9/30/12 Wall St./Statue of Liberty

One more great day.  The first picture is of the harbor with Jersey City and New York in the Background.  We took this as we walked to the Subway.  We walked by Wall Street.  I was very surprised how narrow the street is.  The New York Stock Exchange is really pretty, surrounded by guards.  The sculpture was in the Plaza of the original World Trade Center.  After 911, it was moved to Battery Park.  It shows the damage from the fallout.  We took the ferry to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.  We got caught in a big rain storm so our photos weren't very good but it was a nice sight.  We took the subway back and had a nice German Dinner.

Pretty harbor by our campground.

The front of the New York Stock Exchange.

Another view of Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange.  I was surprise at how narrow Wall Street was..

The damaged sculpture that was in front of the original World Trade Center.
We didn't get a very good photo as it was raining.

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