Times Square getting busy at 10:00 in the morning. |
The Broadway Show we attended. It was great. |
As I said, you can see anything. |
The street sale with so many people. |
Times Square getting busy at 10:00 in the morning. |
The Broadway Show we attended. It was great. |
As I said, you can see anything. |
The street sale with so many people. |
Pretty harbor by our campground. |
The front of the New York Stock Exchange. |
Another view of Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange. I was surprise at how narrow Wall Street was.. |
The damaged sculpture that was in front of the original World Trade Center. |
We didn't get a very good photo as it was raining. |
Central Park is really pretty, totally surrounded by a busy, noisy city. |
Central Park is really beautiful. |
One of the streets in Harlem. |
Super expensive 5th Ave apartments. |
Colorful, flashy, and busy, busy Times Square. |
A couple grabbed Leona outside the Disney Store on Times Square. |
The view from a top the Empire State Building. |
Daytime view of our motorhome with the city in the background. |
Nighttime view from our motorhome |
Some of the amazing architecture. |
So busy and so noisy. So many people. |
The new Freedom Tower. |
One of the reflection pools with one of the new towers in the background. |
Freedom Tower |
An example of a rock wall. These are everywhere. I was told that when they originally made the roads, they moved the rocks to the side and made a wall. |
Not the best example, but one of the cool houses that are everywhere. |
The Holocaust Memorial. Very sobering but beautiful. |
The oldest tavern in America. |
Looking down on the memorial that is over the Plymouth Rock. |
The actual Plymouth Rock. It is only about 6 x 4 feet big. |
I walked on the decks of the Mayflower replica. It wasn't very large for 132 people. |
The Plimoth Plantation was built as close to the original as they could. The people were dressed and acted as Pilgrims. Very informative. |
A beautiful church on Cape Cod. Notice the leaves are changing. |
The Cape Cod view from the restaurant in which we had a wonderful dinner. |
This is looking down the Lexington Green where the 77 Minutemen faced the 700 British. |
This is the Concord Bridge where the battle began in which the Revolutionaries forced the British back into Boston. |
This is where George Washington took command of the Revolutionary Army. |
This is a famous statue of George Washington looking onto Boston in the background. |
This is looking onto the statue of John Harvard on the Harvard College campus. |
This was in L.L. Bean's. Two huge bull moose that were found with their horns locked together. |
Just a few outlet stores in Freeport. |
The outlet stores are not all in a strip mall. They are in malls as well as in stores everywhere. The town is full of them. The power wires are typical of most of the old towns everywhere. |
The harbors with all the boats are really pretty. |
This is looking south from the top of Cadillac Mountain, the highest point on the eastern coast. It is only 1532 feet high. The coast line of Maine has thousands of islands. |
Looking down on Bar Harbor from the top of Cadillac Mountain. The cruise ship looks and is huge. |
The beautiful coast line of Acadia National Park. |
The rocks are colorful and it is very pretty with the trees and the blue water. |
Leona and I sailed on this 151 foot 4 mast ship. It was really fun to watch and help raise the sails. |
Getting ready to sail. |
Grazing cows in Prince Edward Island. |
A lighthouse along the PEI north shore. |
Typical highway with rolling hills in PEI. Notice the cracks in our windshield. One of the trips casualties. |
Prior to the Anne of Green Gables show. We had great seats. |
Crossing the eight mile Confederation Bridge. |